Arbonne Knocking.. product testing begins.

It is no secret to my friends, family or anyone else that my face is comparable to that of a sixteen year old.

Since my twelfth birthday, the odds have been against me. Not only do I have fair, freckled skin, it is sensitive and irritable to many consumer products.

Having a boyish, athletic past left me unconcerned about my complexion well into my teens. I was the definition of pizza face, with pictures to prove it.

At the age of 13, my family doctor decided to “solve” all my problems. Dr. busybody prescribed me to a pill called tetracycline. This magical drug would give me a clear complexion and boost my confidence. Hey, I even had a boy cry over me at a school dance, must have been the acne drug right? 

It was in a matter of weeks the side effects were not worth my porcelain complexion.

– Increased Sensitive skin – Sun burns occurring in minutes

– Headaches

– The most unfortunate stomach pains, caused by the harshness of the pill itself

– Withdrawals – When i missed a pill & stopped taking them completely.

I was another teenager my family doctor threw prescriptions at, causing more harm than help. 

Take my advice, medicinal prescriptions are not worth the effort or suffering.

Nearly 11 years later, we find me here, desperately seeking the clear, bright complexion every 20-something woman deserves.

If you can think of a product, prescribed or over-the-counter, i’ve tried it. – Clinique, Clean&Clear, Olay, Quo, Dove etc. Everything from department store brands to pharmacy knock-offs. I was left with numerous, half-empty bottles, low funds and more acne then before.

Not only do I lack a successful skin regiment; I frequently indulge in a bottle of wine, stress more than the average university student and cannot remember the last time I consumed three meals a day.

Why me? I have numerous friends with similar habits and stresses – their faces matured and flawless. Now it’s my turn. 

Over coffee today, an acquaintance turned friend of mine introduced me to the world of Arbonne. Much to her fear, my immediate response was, “Umm, do you mean Avon?” Whoops. She stuck a bone inside me, an interest. So, naturally what did I do? I took home some samples from their face care line to try.

She introduced me to the reality behind mineral-oli. (I dare you to look into how it is made and refined) The history of the business, her story and most importantly – presented me with the FC5 skincare line.

Popular to contrary belief, I did not feel pressured to invest, purchase or commit after my saturday-afternoon coffee date. What presented itself was simply a three-day trial, catalogue of Arbonne products and a newly-formed friendship. 

For the next three-days I am going to fully commit to the proper, timely application of the FC5 line. Feeling extremely optimistic about the potential results.

This evening I spent a fair amount of time researching Arbonne and their independent consultants across the country. I had difficultly coming across any negativity. Pyramid-scheme, green washing and money-grab have crossed my mind, shot down by fact and testimonials.

Never in a million years did I expect to blog about beauty and skin care and here we are.

What have I got to lose? This may be the skin regimen i’ve been searching for. 

More optimistically, my satisfaction with Arbonne products could blossom into something more.