I Am Canadian: I Speak Out About What Matters To Me… And So Should You.

I don’t often feel the urge to write about Canadian post-secondary education… but, I’ve decided I would make an exception. Today, I received an final mark of an ‘A+’ in Introduction to Public Speaking. A course that is mandatory for my PR degree.

What makes this relevant is…one year previous, I took the exact same course. Wrote and presented the same number of speeches and lectures we held in a similar overall structure… but I received an ‘F’ as my final grade. The immediate variable here being the class’s Professor.

Where I am in need of clarification or lack understanding is… how an individual’s mark can vary so dramatically, when everything was structured in the same way,  successfully completing all assignments for both classes, the criteria for a passing grade was identical and I attended the same amount of classes, if not less, this time around.

The concept that I am out approx. $1200 for this one class, is a factor that will not hit me until that day when I must begin Student Loan re-payment. In the meantime, I am stuck with some factors far more current. With ample time for reflection and evaluation, something still fails to sit right with me, even with that shiny A+ currently boosting my GPA.

Is there no regulation of professor’s and their student evaluation methods? Do professors function as self-governing bodies? What other explanation could there be? One thats not demonstrated in my evaluation?

Through the evaluation of my previously graded speeches, no one but my professor could justify the means by which I earned this ‘F’. Consequently she was ‘away’ for a month immediately following end of term and did not respond until well into the summer months. Upon receiving this email, all I’d earned was a vague, “You’ve failed to meet the course requirements necessary to earn a passing grade.” With that, not only had deadline to challenge final grades long since passed, I remained no closer to any further understanding or the justification behind my big fat ‘F’.

Though I have put my self and my academics first in this situation – I cannot help by wonder how often this happens at the post-secondary level? Undoubtedly there are university students nation-wide who feel undeserving of a final grade and have never found justification. I realize that Students’ Unions do elect an Advocacy representative for situations similar to mine. And I know that, had he held the position at the time, my dear friend Justin would’ve helped me to the best of his ability… but unfortunately the seat remained empty until the following semester by-election. Even still, a deadline is a deadline. Perhaps even the most influential of Union representatives would’ve failed to find the answers I was searching for, hands-tied by the deadline police.

After more than a year of re-evaluation – it remains to be evident that in my situation, with such a drastic grade gap; the rubric I was evaluated from in 2013 included some ‘unwritten section’ or ‘secret curriculum’ that cannot be found on the rubric I was re-evaluated from in 2014. Unless I am declared a miracle student who’s turned her public speaking abilities around in a matter of months, not only does the evaluation circumstances I was dealt not match up to university’s standards, but it appears illogical that an identical class can claim to be evaluated using such similar methods, yet have results with such drastic variation. That alone is enough to argue this course fails to be taught with equivalency. A in-equivalency with consequences valued close to $600 if I may say so.

I am studying in a phenomenal program and have the chance learn from a selection of top-notch professors, many which i’ve established professional relationships with outside of the classroom. I say with confidence that my program not only offers the best classes but also demonstrates strong course structure. It would be biased to suggest i’ve come across this problem due to the fact that professor was not a member of my programs faculty… but I would have a hard time believing any of the program specific professors would leave me or any other individual in the program out to dry like this.

Without playing the name game and blaming the professor (completely) for such a poor attempt to provide the expected standard quality we have of post-secondary institutions.

I should clarify, it is my goal to not only address my situation to a person of influence – while using my newly earned shiny-gold ‘A+’ as leverage. But I hope to take part in pressing of university institutions for stricter governing of professor grade evaluation guidelines, if it deemed necessary. I hope to encourage any students that’s been in a similar situation. Even more, I hope that in sharing my experience it puts the issue at the back of the minds of those responsible so they may apply a more pro-active approach in the future.

In the very least… by voicing the desperate need I had to seek justification for a failing grade, alongside with the potential to earn the reassurance of the improbable likelihood a students skill-set could fluctuate on such a drastic, short-term scale when being critiqued, using the guideline structure set to university standards. The gap becomes more prominent when recognizing a specific form of study that involves just as much character as knowledge, like that of public speaking. It is one of the few university courses that involves you to spend more time in front of a mirror than you do in a book.

The topic of Post-Secondary Education often arises on a daily-basis. Usually content surrounding its shortfalls; easily named with little thought. Although up for debate, individuals have the right to a post-secondary education in Canada and are proud to have access to such high-grade educational institutions.

Education, like many sectors heavily involves support and regulation from our Federal and provincial governments – if we fail to speak up in support of ourselves, our peers or for the social/economical issues we believe in… How can demand Measurable Change?And expect it will occur in our lifetime?

The funding and policy surrounding Post-Secondary Education will never inspire change on its own. As long as “The Man” can successfully maintain the status-quo with little opposition or protest from the stakeholders it remains responsible to, all Canadians; Veterans, Students, Professors, Communities, Small Business, Single Mothers, Disabled Canadians etc. The Canadian systems and policies currently in place will virtually remain untouched until a change occurs. Unsurprisingly, issues like; education, healthcare, our environment, immigration, childcare and gender socialization continue to slide farther down the totem pole of importance in the House of Commons.

Guess what! This will remain the case. We lack the ability to influence the mindsets of others when we keep our democratic expression hidden away, leave it completely undiscovered or while we continually plead ignorance to all current events followed by excuses like, “I’m not political.” A statement unquestionably created out of convenience and even fear..

My run-in as a seemingly voiceless student is microscopic in comparison to the necessary changes and aspirations that Canadians have for our Post-Secondary Education System. All things considered, I still choose to exercise my voice on this issue. No matter the size or the impact I make, it counts for something and someone.

This is my first step as an individual to demonstrate that I, not only value my education,  I have high-expectations and expect my standard to be reached – No matter the professor, institution or field of study.

Every Canadian deserves to have their voice not only heard, but recognized. Every one of us will come across situations of misrepresentation and feelings of helplessness caused by uncertainty. No problem is unworthy or insignificant.

I recognized the unlikelihood of many individuals around me sparking an overnight interest in Canadian Government and Policy or.. realigning their career goals to become an aspiring Lobbyist, like I have. Honestly i’d be happy with successfully demonstrating to a handful of people the importance of subscribing/paying attention to the major new media outlets via their Twitter and other social media accounts.

There is nothing more powerful in the fight against change – than our very own voice. Our first step is becoming engaged citizens that speak out on issues; using proven methods, not through unanimous postings in the daily e-newspaper… It is our duty to speak, shout, whisper or YELL out about the issues that matter the most to us.

Speaking up does not require individuals to know everything about the Canadian Government or really, even be all that interested in government. Comparable to those responsibilities we don’t necessarily enjoy, yet come to terms with in time… let’s add engaged awareness of current events to the list if it’s not there already.

Like a trail of dominoes, our actions can rapidly impact those around us, giving them the confidence and inspiration to join in and support what matters to them, further inspiring a democratic spark within their individual  peers… and so on.

I’m declaring this a, ‘call to action’. Action taken by those individuals who already recognize the  issues that fail to be addressed, by those individuals who choose to bite their tongue because its easier to agree than oppose an issue or discussion, and especially taken by those individuals who’ve never considered themselves to be ‘political’ and fear the rejection of  their opinions through criticism, or because they lack a certain level or political ‘knowledge’.

There it is. I hope i’ve inspired you to begin creating an image of your Canada; a transformed Nation with highly-engaged citizens. Canadian citizens with a renewed desire to support all who choose to exercise their right to Speak Up and Speak Out. The power hidden deep-inside each of us is an invaluable asset towards the creation of  our ideal Canada. A country that relies on its citizens to speak out on important issues as they occur while maintaining transparent and accountable government bodies. 

Job postings – Round One.. Complete.

As I stare blankly at this white screen, I can’t help but wonder.. did I apply for the right jobs? Did I apply for enough jobs? What if I missed a grammatical error?

The bitter-sweet side to it all is, i’ve spent the past year and a half dreading these next few weeks, perhaps losing more hair than one twenty-something woman should. All of that pent-up angst and fear over a word document. Let’s be real here, a word document that can make or break your opportunity with a company.

I felt this post was necessary to remind myself and other public relations classmates that we survived round one. If it wasn’t sunday night at 1:38 a.m. I would probably crack a beer (just kidding, mom). Instead, I let myself shower. More for the sake of my roommates rather than my own. If I was intending to boost my own morale I would perhaps start with the 15×15 square that is my lair. Once considered a bedroom, it is now simply a giant heap of clothes, text books and xbox games fighting for my love and affection. None of which will receive so much as a wink until March when I have successfully secured my first co-op position. Come this point i will be doing a victory lap around the pond in front of my apartment.

In reference with my blog title, “Fearless Red” I cannot help but feel undeniably Fearless, motivated and strong as I prepare to hand in my collection of resumes and cover-letters tomorrow morning. Being the high-energy, eccentric person I am, public relations is right up my alley. Not only do I tend to excel in my classes (electives being another story) I enjoy every minute of it and am constantly learning skills I will use again and again in the field. It is impossible for me to explain the passion I feel writing this now. It is passion like this that motivates people to do something for the greater good, or twerk on live-television like Miley Cyrus. Passion and Miley? Let’s be real.

So, to anyone who reads this or comes across it someday soon.. Do the things you love and love things you do. We only live one life, now go live it. I intend to. That life may include staying up all hours of the night writing cover letters, but I can’t imagine myself anywhere else.

love Kath


You may be thinking, who exactly is Fearless Red? I could argue that I know little about her myself. Self discovery has always been the road less traveled in my life. Up until a year ago I could describe myself using only a handful of words; student, girlfriend, daughter, sister and friend. To elaborate more than that was a task in itself, because I simply did not know who I was.
Fortunately, with the age of twenty-one came a strong sense of independence and an urge to finally discover who I was on the inside, as corny as that probably sounds. I spent the last year of my life exploring the city of Halifax, crying in excessive amounts, falling for all of the wrong boys and earning strong, trustworthy friendships. Thanks to all the heartache and confusion of twenty-thirteen, I introduce a new and improved Kathleen, on a mission to find the woman she’s determined to become.. Fearless Red.