Finding your Flair – What makes you stand out.

Currently, it is 1:38 a.m. on the eve of my busiest day of the week. 

While the most practical of people are long past counting sheep, I sit in my living room in a state of pure jubilance. To reference my current state to a feeling of motivation would be an understatement. Here I sit, practically two years into my Bachelor of Public Relations Degree and i’ve finally found it. I’ve uncovered my gift, my flair if you will.

As a painter connects paint and a canvas and creates art, I have married a blank document and my words to create my own work of art. For more than a year my brain has been in overdrive trying to discover what it is that i’ve been brought here to do. Sports: I hit the odd foul shot and spiked a ball or two but I just never felt fulfilled. Music: Let’s just say my short time as a trumpeter was comparable to a male elephant using its trunk as a mating call. Unfortunately, my few attempts to excel did not turn out the way a teenage girl would’ve hoped. So I spent the last few years lost in translation-waiting for the day I would be hit by the talent bus, fully prepared for anything the universe might throw my way.

During a recent visit to my hometown, my mother pulled out a shoebox filled with old report cards, projects and awards. To go along with the trip down memory lane came the nostalgic talk of my childhood and the creation of my “fireball” personality. Little did I realize, i’ve been writing with enthusiasm and persistence since kindergarden. Perhaps one of my favourite memories of young Kathleen (pre-boys era) is one my mother has reminded me of periodically over the years.

Mrs. Mac was my kindergarden teacher. With a big heart and loving demeanour she greeted us every morning with a warm smile and open arms. No surprise, I was the class clown immediately, always trying my hardest to lighten the mood. Later in the school year, Mrs. Mac announced she would be reading Cinderella out loud to us the next day. Without a second-thought I offered to bring my copy of the book to share with the class. I honestly cannot recall whether or not I actually had the book in my possession. That didn’t matter to eager to please Kathleen, I was going to write my own copy of the book for the class. My version of the Cinderella fairytale consisted of two pieces of construction paper, written so eloquently in pencil. I wish I could be a fly on the wall now and see the look on Mrs. Mac’s face the following morning when I presented Cinderalla – The revised edition. I can guarantee that five-year-old Kathleen was convinced I had everyone fooled.

Nostalgia is something I am always embracing in my life; on the plus side, I do a have hidden love for scrapbooking. Making my infatuation with nostalgia grow stronger whenever I stumble upon a half-dozen of them amongst my belonging in my fathers basement.

Realistically in the public relations program there are hundreds of students with the potential to become strong writers. Each year honing in on their skills more and more as they progress through the four-year degree. Having such fierce competition does not drive me to run but completely the opposite. Just like in volleyball, rugby or any other sport, competition motivates you and makes you harder.

There is hope for myself and other aspiring writers to stand out and have that edge that our competition lacks. The best advice I have ever received came from one of my PR professors. She advised me that by actively engaging in creative writing and journalling I am sculpting myself into a more rounded, influential writer.

“Practice makes Perfect.” A quote that couldn’t possibly be more relevant at any point in my life.

I may be a self-taught skeptic, spending almost six years in la-la land. But I firmly believe I am not the only one who has ever lost their sense of purpose. Soon to stumble and fall over what was up ahead all along.

For my friends, readers and loved ones who inhabited their skills and talents before they could walk-I’m proud of you and continue to do what you love.

As for those of you like me who can’t quite fit together the missing pieces. You are full of potential and talent you just need to open your heart and let it in.

Everyone has a mix of expertise and know-how inside of them. What separates us is the time life decides we’re ready to achieve greatness and a few curve balls we call life.

When ever you’re in need of that pick me up – remind yourself that when it hits you, you’re going to feel it like a jolt of lightening or a kick in the shin. Take it from a newly inspired hopeful, it is worth the wait.

A Fearless attitude can change everything

Kathleen xo